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20 Days to Opening Night

We've got over 20 hours of footage, about 200 pictures, and about 20 days until opening night of "Flight of the Heart," the Dillingham dance concert where Roy Lightner's piece Under the Covers will be making it's debut.

Last rehearsal I had the pleasure of avoiding video (not exactly my comfort zone) and just taking still pictures. After realizing that we have hours and hours of rehearsal footage, it was a nice change of pace, and is still adding to the story-telling in a new way.

Witnessing the process of this show from auditions and currently through the hours and hours of rehearsal (96, to be exact) has been an experience and a half. The talent in Studio 1 from 7-10pm Monday through Friday has been consistently blowing me away. I'm not sure anyone knew what to expect from a bunch of non-dance majors in a dance concert, but things are going right. Pictured here is everyone in the company holding hands and "getting their minds right" by breathing deeply four times in unison. I may have distracted some with a clicking camera, but it was still a very serene moment.

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